JAMB Syllabus For Islamic Religious Studies (IRS) 2024/2025

Last updated on July 6th, 2024 at 08:36 am

JAMB Syllabus For Islamic Religious Studies (IRS):- The Joint Admission And Matriculation Board (JAMB) has officially released the JAMB Syllabus For IRS 2024/2025 which is available here in this Portal for all the candidates who wish to enroll in the upcoming JAMB UTME Examination.

The JAMB Syllabus is a Document that contains the Topics that all Candidates who are science students must study for the JAMB 2024/2025 Examination.

JAMB Syllabus For Islamic Religious Studies (IRS) 2024/2025

What Is The JAMB Syllabus For IRS And Why Do You Need It?

The JAMB Syllabus For IRS is more like a guide or area of concentration that you should focus on when you’re reading in preparation against JAMB 2024.

It is a must for you to use this syllabus because it’s the only secret that can guarantee you a high score in JAMB IRS.

Moreover, the Islamic Religious Studies Syllabus contains topics and their objectives and those objectives are what you need to foster your high JAMB score.

JAMB Syllabus For Islamic Religious Studies (IRS) 2024

Below are the list of the Islamic Religious Studies Syllabus For 2024 with topics and their objectives altogether.

Islamic History and Civilization

  • Contributions of Islam to Education
  • Early Contact of Islam with Africa
  • Pre-Islamic Arabia (Jahiliyyah)
  • The Impact of Islam in West Africa
  • The Life of Prophet Muhammad (Saw)
  • The Rightly Guided Caliphs (Al-Khulafaâ’u Rashidun)

Tawhid and Fiqh

  • Article of Faith
  • Divorce
  • Faith
  • Family Matters
  • General Practices Which Are Incompatible with Islamic Principles of Tawhid
  • Hajj
  • Ibadat and Their Types
  • Inheritance
  • Islamic Economic System
  • Islamic Political System
  • Jihad: Concept, Kinds, Manner and Lessons (Q.2:190-193) (Q.22:39-40)
  • Kalimatush-Shahadah
  • Salah
  • Sawm
  • Shirk
  • Sources and Schools of Law Zakah

The Qurâ’an and Hadith

  • Hadith
  • Study of The Arabic Text of the Following Suwar/Ayats with Tajwid
  • Importance of The Glorious Qur’an
  • Introduction to Tajwid (Theory and Practice)
  • Muwatta and Its Author
  • Preservation of The Glorious Qurâ’an
  • Proof of The Divine Authenticity of the Glorious Qurâ’an (Q.4:82) (Q.41:42)
  • Revelation of The Glorious Qurâ’an
  • Study of The Arabic Text of the Following Suwar/Ayats with Tajwid
  • Tafsir
  • The Relationship Between Hadith and The Glorious Qurâ’an
  • The Six Sound Collectors of Hadith- Biography and Their Works
  • The Study of the Arabic Texts of the Following Ahadith from An-Nawawiâ’s Collection: 1,3,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,15,16, 18,19,21, 22,25,27,34, And 41
  • Adultery and Fornication (Q.17:32) (Q.24:2), Homosexuality (Q.11:77-78) And Obscenity (Q:4:14-15)
  • Behaviour and Modesty in Dressing (Q.24:27-31) (Q.33:59)
  • Dignity of Labour (Q.62:10) (Q.78:11)
  • Enjoining What Is Good and Forbidding What Is Wrong (Q.3:104 And 110) (Q.16:90) Hadith 25 And 34 Of An Nawawi
  • General Moral Lessons Contained in The Admonition of Sage Lugman to His Son (Q.31:18-20)
  • Goodness to Parents (Q.17:23-24)
  • Honesty (Q.2:42) (Q.61:2-3)
  • Leadership (Q.2:124) And Justice (Q.4:58 And 135) (Q.5:9)
  • Piety (Tagwa) (Q:2:177) (Q.3:102) (Q.49:13) Hadith 18 And 35 Of An Nawawi
  • Prohibition of Bribery and Corruption(Q:2:188)
  • Tolerance, Perseverance and Patience (Q.2:153-157) (Q.3:200) (Q.103:3) Hadith 16 Of An-Nawawi
  • Trust and Obligation (Q:4:58) (Q.5:1) And Promises (Q.16:91)
  • Unity and Brotherhood (Q.3:103) (Q.8:46) (Q.49:10) Hadith 35 Of An-Nawawi

Below is a list containing all the textbooks recommended for JAMB 2024 IRS:

  • Abdul, M.O.A. (1976) Studies in Islam Series Book 3, Lagos: IPB.
  • Abdul, M.O.A. (1982) Studies in Islam Series Book 2, Lagos: IPB.
  • Abdul, M.O.A. (1988) The Classical Caliphate, Lagos: IPB.
  • Abdulrahman and Canham (n.d) The Ink of the Scholar, OUP.
  • Ali, A.Y. (1975) The Holy QurÂ’an Text: Translation and Commentary Leicester: The Islamic Foundation.
  • Ali, M.M. (Undated) The Religion of Islam, Lahore.
  • Doi, A. R. I (1997) Shariah: The Islamic Law; Kuala Lumpur: Noordeen.
  • Hay Lal, M. (1982) The Life of Muhammad (SAW), Academic Press.
  • Lemu, A. (1992) Methodology of Primary Islamic Studies, Lagos: IPB.
  • Lemu, A. (1993) Islamic Studies for SSS Book 1, Lagos: IPB.
  • Lemu, A. (1993) Islamic Studies for SSS Books, Minna: IET.
  • Muhammad, S. Q. (2010) al-Burhanu fi tajwidil QurÂ’an Cairo: Shirkatul-Qudus.
  • Opeloye, M.O. (1996) A Dictionary of Peoples and Places in the QurÂ’an, Lagos: Academic Press.
  • Philips, A. A. B. (1997) Usool at-Tafseer, Kuala Lumpur: Noordeen.
  • Quadri, Y.A. et al (1990) Al-Iziyyah for the English Audience, Ijebu Ode: Shebiotiom Publication.
  • Rahim, A. (1992) Islamic History, Lagos: IPB.
  • Sambo, M.B. et. Al (1984) Islamic Religious Knowledge for WASC Book 1, Lagos: IPB.
  • Sambo, M.B. et. Al (1984) Islamic Religious Knowledge for WASC Book 3, Lagos: IPB.
  • Trimingham, J.S. (1993) A History of Islam in West Africa, Oxford, OUP.

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